How to Run for School Board
“Why run for your local school board? Why not?”
VT School Board members are elected officials. Elections to the MVSD board are held via Australian ballot on their Annual District Meeting Day, which currently is set for VT’s Town Meeting Day (first Tuesday of March). When a school board seat is available, the most effective election method is to have your name placed on the Australian ballot.
Towns that elect officers by Australian ballot require candidates to submit a nominating petition signed by 30 voters or one percent of the checklist—whichever is less. The petition must clearly indicate the office and term length on the petition prior to circulating it for signatures, and the candidates name must appear on the petition exactly as it appears on the voter checklist (17 V.S.A. §2681(b), 2681(a)(3)). The nominating petition, accompanied by a Consent of Candidate form, must be filed with the town clerk no later than 5 p.m. on the sixth Monday preceding the day of the election.
Nominating petitions may contain the name of only one candidate. Voters may not sign more than one petition for the same office, unless more than one nomination is to be made, in which case the voter may sign as many petitions as there are nominations to be made for the same office.
If a person interested in joining the school board does not properly complete and submit a nominating petition and Consent of Candidate form, an alternative method for election is as a write-in on the Australian ballot. In order to be elected, a write-in candidate must receive at least 30 votes or the votes of one percent of the registered voters in the municipality, whichever is less. (17 V.S.A. § 2682a)
Vacancies mid-term
If an elected school board member is unable to complete their full term and submits a letter of resignation, the District Clerk shall, within five days of learning of the vacancy, notify the Select Board of the town the resigning member represented. Within 30 days after providing notice and after consultation with the Select Board, the School District Board shall appoint an eligible person to fill the vacancy until the voters elect a successor at an annual or special meeting.
Vermont School Boards Association “Filling Board Vacancies”
Vermont School Boards Association “Thinking About Serving on Your School Board?”