Barnard Academy
Barnard, Vermont | Grades PreK-6

Current class structure: PreK and Grade 6 are individual classrooms. Other grade levels are combined as follows: K-1, 2-3, and 4-5.
Barnard Academy is a Responsive Classroom school where students are happy, respected, respectful, and inspired. Our beautiful campus–which includes our forested nature trail and brook, a yurt, and nearby Silver Lake State Park–provides an ideal setting for project-based and Place-Based Learning. Partnerships with the Montshire Museum, VINS, and the Hood Museum enrich student learning and connect them with the resources of our broader VT community. In our STEAM Lab, students explore engineering, design, art, and robotics. STEAM explorations, culinary pursuits, or other avenues of creative play extend into our After School Program, which provides an extended day where children can unwind together with access to our kitchen, gardens, and nature trails.
Our curriculum is inquiry-based and uses a rigorous framework of content knowledge to contextualize learning. Teachers use research-based instructional methodology and have consistently high expectations for each student.
Killington Elementary School
Killington, Vermont | Grades PreK-6
Current class structure: Single grade classrooms in PreK, K, 1, 4, 5, and 6. Grades 2 and 3 are a combined classroom.
Killington Elementary School (KES) is a vibrant learning community nestled in the heart of the Green Mountains. It is our mission to provide a caring environment with a strong support system and high academic standards to successfully educate the whole child: socially, emotionally, physically, and academically.
Our students and families greatly benefit from the resources accessible to them at KES, including Pre-K for 3 and 4 year-olds and a state-licensed after school program that is available until 5 PM.
The faculty, administrators, support staff, and school directors of Killington Elementary School (KES), form a cohesive and collaborative learning community designed to educate the whole child. We strive to provide an educational environment that supports each child’s development of a positive sense of self and high academic standards.

The Prosper Valley School
Pomfret, Vermont | Grades 5-6
Current class structure: Single grades classrooms for grades 5 and 6.
The Prosper Valley School is located in a beautiful valley where each classroom has direct access to forests, fields, a brook, a small astronomical observatory and a sugar house on a 30-acre campus. TPVS is an environmentally focused school for fifth and sixth graders that integrates place-based, outdoor and environmental education. In addition, the school provides high-quality learning opportunities in the core content areas, the arts, physical education, and technology.
The TPVS campus had been closed for two years to address needed remediation. The school reopened in August 2021 with all new interiors, a new bridge to access the forests, and a veteran team of educators. The school attends to the specific developmental needs of fifth and sixth graders while embracing the environmental resources of the campus, providing a unique learning opportunity for TPVS students and their families.

Reading Elementary School
Reading, Vermont | Grades PreK-4
Current class structure: PreK and Kindergarten are combined. Other grade levels are combined as follows: 1-2 and 3-4. Grade 5 and 6 students attend The Prosper Valley School.
Reading Elementary School is located at the heart of the town of Reading, Vermont. The campus includes an Outdoor Classroom with access to acres of forest, meadows, and public hiking trails.
Children go outside to learn from the world around them every day, rain or shine. RES is a small school with a low student to teacher ratio.

Woodstock Elementary School
Woodstock, Vermont | Grades PreK-4
Current class structure: Single grade classrooms with team teaching in grade levels. Grade 5 and 6 students attend The Prosper Valley School.
Woodstock Elementary cultivates compassionate, empowered learners. The mission of the WES community is to provide a strong foundation and foster perseverance and belonging. WES uses Responsive Classroom techniques and Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) to create a nurturing community where all students strive to meet our school expectations of being safe, respectful, and ready to learn.
Our location allows for place-based learning that includes lessons at the Ottauquechee River and partnering with the local library, Town Hall Theatre, Woodstock History Center, Billings Farm Museum, and Marsh Billings Rockefeller National Park. Our STEM lab provides students opportunities to explore concepts such as engineering, design, and robotics.

Woodstock Union Middle and High School
Woodstock, Vermont | Grades 7-12
Woodstock Union High School is a comprehensive, fully accredited public high school offering a course of studies for four years as described by the Department of Education in Vermont. Our district is composed of the seven towns: Barnard, Bridgewater, Killington, Plymouth, Pomfret, Reading, and Woodstock. Our school also accepts tuition students from sending districts.
The Woodstock Union Middle School is a school community that recognizes and understands the special needs of early adolescents. Students at this stage of growth, which spans the transition from childhood to adolescence, are at a critical turning point in their lives. We are committed to helping each of our students experience success and growth, both personally and academically. The school environment emphasizes respect; it is everyone’s right and responsibility.